Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Saint Francis of Assisi - February 27, 2011 - Eric

What's Happening:
Lent is quickly approaching, and it's time to decide on a (last minute) sacrifice. A few years back I gave up fried foods, was amazed at how difficult it was (I was Mr. Crabbypants), but I made it, and ended up riding it to a 25 pound weight loss and the best shape of my life. I have also had my Lenten sacrifice be something I've added to my life, like extra prayer. I've also had good success with other sacrifices leading me into a change of habits and life.

Then there are the failures. Amongst others, giving up soda or giving up caffeine. One year I didn't make it until the first Friday ... talk about your humbling experiences. Jesus was fully aware of His fate, followed God's will, and I can't even go three days without soda. *sigh*. In my sacrifices that are successful, there is good news, I can change my habits and become less of a slave to earthly things. However, even in my failures there is good news, God knows that I am human, and frail, and yet He loves me so much that He sent someone who could do His will when I cannot.

Marilou, me, Teri, Vesper, and Ron. Joe and Frank were there, but Mass was so crowded they couldn't get in.

Location and Architecture:
Saint Francis of Assisi, 4521 South 32nd Street, Omaha. I've been told that I am very observant. However, the front door of Saint Francis of Assisi is less than 250 yards from the front door of my pet's veterinarian, I had no idea. This church is amazingly beautiful. If anyone were to ask you what a 'box' church should look like on the interior, this is it. Like Mary Our Queen, the design makes use of illusion to make the church look more open on one end than the other. The lighting is superb. The mosaic of the Risen Christ behind the altar is very nice. The location of the choir 'loft' is creative. The woodwork is fantastic. Stained glass, decorations, pews, it's all balanced, and it all works.






If you'd like to see the rest of my photos of Saint Francis of Assisi, you can see them here.

"Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your life-span?"" Matthew 6:27

My first thought here is to argue with Jesus. Well of course you can add to your span of years by worrying about your health, with exercise and proper diet you can ... and then I stop and laugh. I believe I am missing the point here, aren't I? It's a very difficult thing to let go of day to day worries and to let God provide everything that we need. We all work, we all fuss about our budgets, we try to be responsible, and we assign godliness to these activities, we are good stewards of what He has provided.

We worry about the economy, we worry about what the future holds for us, we worry about are relationships, our friends, our parents ... I'm sure I can all come up with fifty more things I worry about without straining too much ... and I think at this point in my life, I probably worry less than most people. I wonder what it would be like to completely let go, and not worry about anything.

God has a plan for each of us. This isn't always we want, and sometimes His plan involves the unpleasant, but it is what we need to get us (and possibly others) to Him, and heaven. Worry is not going to change this, all that is really necessary is to trust in God and do the best, most loving thing that we can do with what is before us.

Please pray for:
The people and countries of the Middle East that are in turmoil, that they can experience freedom, social justice, and peace.
Amy and Shannon for protection on their missions.
Kevin as he prepares for his final year of seminary and the priesthood.
Marcus as he has been accepted into seminary and will be discerning the priesthood.
My friend M., who is pregnant, please pray for her and her baby.

March 6th @ 6:00pm: Saint Stephen the Martyr, 16701 S Street, Omaha

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