Monday, March 14, 2011

Saint Joan of Arc - March 9, 2011 - Eric

What's Happening:
A lot of little paragraphs.

Lent is here! Here is my sacrifice this year: no eating out. There are a few provisos, 1) the work cafe doesn't count as a restaurant. 2) Fish frys don't count. 3) I'll go out for fellowship after Mass Chaos, but no food. So there are my ground rules. No take out, no ice cream, no drive through, no pie, no convenience store food.

I forgot my camera for Saint Joan of Arc, so my pictures are off of my iPhone. I went straight from work. The group photo comes via Joe.

Last weekend I was out of town at a dance event in Des Moines, I didn't make it back in time for Mass at Saint Stephen the Martyr. I was disappointed for two reasons. First, I didn't make it to Mass with friends, and secondly, I didn't make Mass at all. The Cathedral in Des Moines was just a couple blocks from the hotel, but due to poor planning on my part, I didn't make it.

Frank, Teri, Me, Vesper, and Joe. Thank you to Mary for taking our picture, and Joe for having a camera.

Location and Architecture:
I arrived early for Ash Wednesday Mass at Saint Joan of Arc, and I had more than a few minutes to enjoy the quiet of the church before the service began. I think it's a great way to get to know any church, sit quietly and pray, or just listen. The church has the same type of ceiling we saw a little while back at Saint Francis of Assisi. The late sun streamed through the stained glass, and spread a soft color through the church. Father came in and turned on the lights, and a different type of beauty appeared. Everything here is subtle and peaceful, and enjoyed by me.





If you'd like to see the rest of my pictures from Saint Joan of Arc you can click here. Joe also posted some that can be found here

" that your almsgiving may be secret. And your Father who sees in secret will repay you." Matthew 6:4

Oh goodness, in case you don't know me, I like to talk. It's not that I'm untrustworthy with your secrets, I'm pretty darn untrustworthy with my own. I like to share my life, be honest, and be open. I'm not very good about being quiet about it.

So I approach this Gospel reading with a little bit of 'hmmmm'. I try to approach it from the source of my motivation. I know it's not to draw attention to myself. I know it's hard to believe, but I'm not always comfortable being the center of attention, especially with people I don't know for certain. I struggle with it, but I think my heart and intentions are in the right place.

Early in my return to God I made a decision that my life belonged to Him, and regardless of what my financial situation, what I owned, what I could always share, is my story, which can be summed up in seven words: "Look how far God has brought me!". He can bring you far too ... and I have a tough time being secretive about that.

Please pray for:
Tom who is deployed to Afghanistan, and his wife and two daughters.
Amy and Shannon for protection on their missions.
Kevin as he prepares for his final year of seminary and the priesthood.
Marcus as he has been accepted into seminary and will be discerning the priesthood.
My friend M., who is pregnant, please pray for her and her baby.

March 20th @ 10:00 Saint John the Evangelist, 307 East Meigs Street, Valley.

Peace, Eric

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