Monday, November 29, 2010

Saint Patrick's, Elkhorn - November 28, 2010 - Eric

What's Happening:
Last week was my first week of missing a scheduled Mass Chaos since we started this adventure, so I have one on the make up list. It was kind of disappointing, but every once in a while my migraines take a nauseous/dizzy turn, and the only thing that helps is sleep. I was kind of disappointed, it was our first visit to a Spanish language Mass at Saint Agnes, and I've not been to one before. I was excited to try something new.

I've spent the last several years trying to get stability under me, now I'm feeling more adventurous. It's a pretty classic Maslow, I've been struggling to meet basic needs, now that I've got that taken care of, I'm ready to find opportunities to grow. God has taken care of my needs all along the way, and assisted me in finding the right opportunities.

Now He wants me to grow. This is not surprising, God stretches us so we grow, all good parents challenge their children to more, and God isn't just a good parent, He is the best parent. Sometime this is unpleasant, but God knows best, I just pray I have the grace to go where I am led.

Frank, me, Patrick, Ron, Tom, Jen, Kat, and Joe. This is the serious picture.

Location and Architecture:
Saint Patrick's, 20500 West Maple Road, Elkhorn. Saint Patrick's pulls off that really neat trick of seeming larger on the inside than it looks on the outside. The circular design with the altar near to the center of the church means there isn't a bad seat in the house. Saint Patrick's low ceiling makes it seem all the more cozy. This is all done without any interior support columns, so it's a nifty piece of engineering on top of being a nice church.






You can see all of my pictures of our visit to Saint Patrick's in Elkhorn here.

"Therefore, stay awake! For you do not know on which day your Lord will come." Matthew 24:42

I might approach this Gospel a little differently than others. The primary message I take away from this is "You don't know when, so stop your worrying about it." People have pulled me aside and said before "Can you see the signs? The end is coming" Well, no I can't, and in fact you don't know either. Jesus says very clearly that know one knows.

If you knew you were dying in exactly one week from right now? What would you do differently? Would you try to cherish every moment? Would you tell your family and friends that you love them? Would you try to get right with God?

My question is; since you don't know when it will be, why aren't you doing those things right now? It's not just that Jesus could be knocking at the door in five seconds, you just don't know what can happen to you at any moment. A car accident, a harsh storm, an earthquake, a bus falling from the sky; the point is any moment could be your last, or the moment Jesus returns in glory.

Don't waste your time worrying about when this will occur, spend your time being prepared. Get yourself right with God, let your friends know how much you care, cherish every breath you have.

My friends, I want the impression that I leave you with is how important you are to me. I hope that the last words you hear from me is how I love you. I pray my last words are praising God. If I have to do these things every moment for the next sixty (or more) years before my end or all of ours, then it is my sincerest wish that I do so joyfully. I encourage you to do so too.

Please pray for:
Tom who is being deployed to Afghanistan, and his wife and two daughters.
Amy and Shannon for protection on their missions.
Kevin as he prepares for his final year of seminary and the priesthood.
Marcus as he has been accepted into seminary and will be discerning the priesthood.
My friend M., who is pregnant, please pray for her and her baby.
My mother Judy to have her back healed.

Sunday, December 5th @ 9:00am at Mass: Immaculate Conception, 2708 S 24th Street, Omaha. This Mass will be in Latin.

Peace, Eric

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