Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Blog Catch Up - Brianne

Playing Catch Up
I know I've been behind in blogging lately - it is another bullet point on my "To Do" list. However, lately I just can't seem to muster up the energy to take the time to sit down and write. I've had a rough time of it lately, and blogging just seems to drop lower in my list of priorities. I do want to catch up though - in some ways I've found working on the blog to be theraputic. For those of you who know me well, you already know I'm in the middle of a divorce. For those of you who don't - now you know. Though I am the "divorcer" in this situation, it doesn't make it any easier, despite what people may think. I've found myself doing a whole lot of doubting lately - doubting my decisions, my friendships, my life path, my career, and most difficult, my relationship with God. I feel very, very small and very, very out of control.

A friend said to me not long ago, "you are so precious to me." That statement blew me away. These days, I'm not feeling precious at all. Then, reading Eric's blog this week, he used the word "cherish."

Both of these words make for a good reflection on this week's reading in which Mary says, "My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior. For he has looked upon his handmaid's lowliness; behold, from now on will all ages call me blessed. The Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name." (Luke 1:46-49) I found comfort in this passage - Mary recognizes her own lowliness - but also knows that God finds her precious and cherishes her, and therefore, she is blessed.

God has done many great things for me as well - I am blessed with an amazing family, great friends, health, a job that provides for me, many hobbies I find joy in, and the list goes on. Perhaps I should spend a few more minutes focusing on God's blessings - and remember I am precious in his eyes - and then also remember how much I cherish those around me.

St. Mary's Bellevue (could have been Sts. Peter & Paul) & St. Stanislaus

St. Mary's taught us all a lesson in letting God (or someone else) take control. Both Eric and I tend to be a little uptight when it comes to planning, and making sure we are in control. The misunderstanding of mass times (note, the Archdiocese website has the wrong mass time listed for Sts. Peter & Paul) left us scrambling at the last minute. However, I was pleased with the result - we had a large turnout, and got to eat ice cream before mass! I think it taught us all a lesson in "let go and let God."

St. Stanislaus gave us the opportunity to witness what is a major event in Omaha - the Polish Festival. I enjoyed the fact we had the opportunity to get to run into so many people there that aren't part of the Mass Chaos crowd - my roommate Christmas and her boyfriend Adam, my friend Keri from Swimtastic, and some other faces whom I smiled and waved at. The food was fantastic - pierogi, sausage, kraut - and I love my "Polish and Proud" mug. Thanks to everyone who helped make this a really, really fun day!

Mass Chaos Week Off

While everyone else was off enjoying themselves during our week off, I attended Flatland Church with my friends Christmas and Todd. I forgot how much I appreciate a good contemporary Christian service - the music was uptempo, the preaching was powerful, and the congregation was really friendly. I appreciate them bringing me with!

Prayers, Please!

I know the prayer requests are a rip-off from Eric, however, there are a few people (including myself) in need of prayers. Please pray for:
  • My mom, who is currently unemployed and searching for a good job.
  • Both myself and Andy, as we go through our divorce. Please pray for us to have both the grace to be kind to one another and also the strength to adjust to the changes in our lives.
  • My best friend Carrie and my cousin Melissa, both of whom are getting married this month, and their soon-to-be spouses, Ben and Matt. May they have all the joy that marriage brings!
  • Shannon and Amy, our FOCUS missionaries as the school year starts for them!

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