Tuesday, February 1, 2011

St. Mary - Brianne

"Ponder anew, what the Almighty can do."

Have you ever heard a line in a poem or read a passage in the Bible and found yourself stuck on one line, reading it over and over and over again? For me, I tend to find that liturgical music speaks to me in the same way. I hear a song, and for some reason, find its lyrics running through my head.

This Sunday, at St. Mary, we sang a song I had never heard before. The song, while unremarkable (I cannot even remember the name of the song, or the tune) sang "Ponder anew, what the Almighty can do." That line spoke to me - I even took the time during mass to jot that line into my smart phone.

Then, in typical space-out Brianne fashion, I spent most of the rest of mass thinking, "have I ever really taken time to ponder what my God has done in the first place?" and "How do I ponder anew?" and "WOW... he's done a LOT!"

If I were to take the time to list each of my blessings, one by one, that alone would be enough for me to be in awe of what the Almighty has done. But then to read Genesis - and think about the story of creation - it is pondering the Lord in an even bigger fashion. I could go on and on about all that He has done... and maybe I need to. Do you? Have you taken the time to think about what He has done in your life? Or for others around you? This week, I invite you to "ponder anew, what the Almighty can do." It is sure to make you feel peace and awe.

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